Tag Archives: Private Regulations

Reshoring Initiative Targets Behaviours, Not Laws

This is an opinion piece of mine in the Globe & Mail (Toronto), 20 April 2021, commenting on how private sector actions – such as guidelines, standards and certifications – can affect international business and trade. These are developments that don’t depend on, and are separate from, governmental actions like statutes or treaties. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-reshoring-initiative-targets-behaviours-not-laws/

Private Rule-Making & International Trade

Recent episodes such as the Earls Restaurant issue over so-called “humane beef” illustrate the impact of private sector standards, rules and best practices on international trade, outside the realm of governments and free-trade agreements. These industry-driven rules and “regulations” are having an increasing impact on international business. See my commentary, 13 May 2016, in theā€¦ Read More »