Category Archives: Canada-US trade

Investment Disputes in a Post-Pandemic World

This article is a summary of the state of investment disputes under the so-called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) systems in various treaties to which Canada is party. It looks at current win-loss record for Canada and deals with the phase out of NAFTA investment disputes under the new Canada-US-Mexico Trade Agreement or CUSMA. While these… Read More »

Investment Disputes under NAFTA-An Evaluation

This commentary, published by the C. D. Howe Institute, deals with investor claims under NAFTA Chapter 11 and assesses Canada’s win-loss record over the past 25 years. These arbitrations are coming to an end under the new NAFTA – or CUSMA as it’s called in Canada. I say that’s a welcome development. NAFTA Investment Disputes-Bringing… Read More »

Canada-US Investment Disputes Coming to End

Here is a commentary in the Globe and Mail, 4 March 2019, on the latest investment dispute panel decision in the Clayton-Bilcon case and the fact that these arbitrations are ending under the new NAFTA – the USMCA or CUSMA as Canada calls it. Overall, Canada has been targeted many more times than Mexico by… Read More »